Demystify the Ind AS /IFRS – A digital training on practical aspects 3.0


Date and Time:

May 9, 2022 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

May 10, 2022 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

May 11, 2022 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

May 12, 2022 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

May 13, 2022 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Event Location:

Online, India

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The convergence to Internationally accepted reporting frameworks has provided a massive boost to the Indian financial reporting norms and has facilitated the introduction of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS). The Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS), notified in 2014, have been converged with IFRS, which marked a paradigm shift in the regulatory and reporting landscape for companies in India. Achromic Point’s Digital Training on IFRS/Ind AS is useful for finance professionals working in an environment requiring accounting and reporting using IFRS/ Ind AS. Digital Training on IFRS/Ind AS is designed to develop an individual’s knowledge of IFRS/Ind AS, providing an understanding of key issues and recent amendments in various accounting standards.


Who should attend?

  • CFOs
  • Chartered Accountants
  • Internal Auditors
  • External Auditors
  • Finance & Accounting Heads
  • Internal Directors/Managers/ Supervisors/Auditors
  • Assurance professionals

Thought Leaders:

  • Robin Joseph
    Director, Audit & Assurance
    Deloitte India 
  • Anil Arora
    Senior Manager, Audit & Assurance
    Deloitte India

  • Resham Singh
    Senior Manager, Audit & Assurance
    Deloitte India
  • Ahtasham Ansari
    Director, Audit & Assurance
    Deloitte India 
  • Abhishek Jain
    Senior Manager, Audit & Assurance
    Deloitte India
  • Gaurav Khurana
    Director, Audit & Assurance
    Deloitte India

Event Timelines

Session 1: Income and Expenses

• IND AS 115 Revenue from contacts with customers • IND AS 20 : Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure for Government Assistance • IND AS 19: Employee Benefits • IND AS 102: Share Based payments • IND AS 12: Income Taxes

Sessions 2: Assets and Liabilities

• IND AS 16 (property plant and Equipment) • IND AS 38 (Intangible Assets) • IND AS 40 Investment Properties • IND AS 36 Impairment of assets • IND AS 116 (leases) • IND AS 23 Borrowing cost • IND AS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets

Session 3: Group Accounts

• IND AS 103 Business combination • IND AS 110 – Consolidated financial statements • IND AS 111 – Joint arrangements • IND AS 28 Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures

Session 4: Presentation and Disclosures

• IND AS 8 Accounting policies, change in accounting estimates and errors + IND AS 10 Events after reporting period • IND AS 33 Earnings per share • IND AS 24: Related party transactions • IND AS 108: Operating Segments • IND AS 105: Noncurrent Assets held for sale and discontinuing operations • IND AS 34: Interim financial reporting

Session 5: Financial Instruments and foreign exchange

• IND AS 109 (Financial Instruments) • IND AS 32 (Financial liabilities and Equity) • IND AS 107 (Financial Instrument and Disclosures) • IND AS 113 Fair Value Measurement

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